This is the Tiny Overlord's second Easter, although it's the first one she was aware enough to participate in. She received tribute from both her Minions, her Grandminions K and her Grandminions H. This pleased her.
Her Grandminions K came to visit the week before Easter, so we had our fun that week. (The Tiny Overlord isn't constrained by such things as following a calendar.) They bought her a sandbox, which was received with much delight and promptly named "Bok" and declared "Mine!" She loves dumping the sand on herself and, unfortunately, eating it. We're working on that one. We put it down by the garden so one of us can play with her while the other does garden chores, which she likes watching.

The next day we had her first Egg Hunt. She was intrigued by the first one, which she sat down with and promptly opened. We enticed her to walk to the second one but couldn't convince her to put either one in the bag. Instead she held one in each hand. This created a quandary when she got to the third one. I eventually snuck one of the eggs into her bag. It rapidly became clear that we were much more interested in her finding the eggs than she was - she was happy to open one and then try to put it back together. So her Grandminions gave her the Easter basket they had bought for her. Between the toys, the stuffed duck and rabbit and the fake grass (which she threw into the yard) she was pleased.

The next weekend, the Grandminions H arranged a surprise; they ordered a cake from a local bakery for us! As usual, Bumblebee Bakery did an outstanding job. The cake was not only beautiful, but delicious. The Tiny Overlord approved of her tiny piece, and we definitely approved of the (much larger) pieces that we ate.