Sunday, August 28, 2011

Darn Cold

Little one still has a cold; nothing seems to be helping. She did have a low grade fever earlier and some acetominophen brought it down, but nothing is helping her stuffy nose and coughing. I've raised one end of her mattress, hoping that helps. She flops around a lot, though, so I'm not certain it's a good solution. I hope she gets rest tonight.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Little one has a cold of some sort. Took her to dr this morning for little red bumps. They're hives and nothing to worry about. Got some meds for her and a recommendation of a GOOD pediatric dermatologist instead of the crackpot we went to last time.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

All Stuffed Up

Little one's allergies are really bothering her; she's sleeping but very fitfully. I suspect I'll end up on the floor in her room again tonight. Last night, when she woke up I was able to soothe her and get her back to sleep in minutes. Her allergy medication doesn't seem to be helping.

Monday, August 15, 2011


We had some deer visit our back yard this morning. The Overlord loved them and watched the entire time. Now she's telling me to bring them back and I'm having a hard time convincing her that I can't make the deer come any time that she wants to see them.

Sunday, August 7, 2011