midnight time to nurse. Have only slept for two hours so far tonight.
1am So tired; child won't sleep. let's try bouncing
2am time to nurse
3am bouncy chair not working; let's try walking. So tired I'm crying
4am time to nurse - child is not cooperative. I finally reach my limit of frustration. Have to put child down before anger takes hold and get husband to help. I go cry.
5am Finally child is asleep and so am I
6am time to nurse
7am child is asleep; I can't get to sleep **sighs** husband makes me instant oatmeal
8am time to nurse
9am spend time playing with child; one of those wonderful moments
10am time to nurse
11am call potential child care provider; take shower
noon eat lunch standing next to table while nursing child in sling. change diaper, adjust straps on child seat, start driving
1pm meet with child care provider
2pm still talking
3pm drive to school to pick up paperwork, show child to coworkers, nurse
4pm drive home, child is asleep, I get to nap!
5pm husband comes home at 5:30; more napping
6pm child wakes up and nurses, we have fun making faces at each other
7pm husband makes dinner; child is calm in bouncy chair
8pm tired child; husband and I are finally able to get her to sleep
9pm time to nurse. Afterwards, I head upstairs and husband takes child. I put in ear plugs and fall asleep on a sleeping bag on the floor of the child's room, thus putting distance, a closed door, and ear plugs between myself and any crying. Also, the fish tank provides white noise.
10pm Child is screaming for husband as he tries to soothe her. Somehow I manage to sleep through it.
11pm time to nurse
midnight a new day starts
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