I am truly amazed at how quickly the time is passing, and how much we've all grown.
She's up to 11 pounds now, and wearing 0-3 month clothes. She can track us across a room so her eyesight has improved quite a bit. She smiles at us, and we have a new favorite game - making faces at each other. Daddy is very good at this game and the Pocket-sized Presidente finds this to be very amusing. She's trying very hard to laugh. She's also talking up a storm, with coos, goos, squeals, grunts and gargles. We're quite convinced she's talking, and if we were only fluent in Baby we could understand her.
Some fantastic friends threw us an "After Baby Shower" and the Miniature Monarch was ooh'ed and aww'ed over, held, loved and spoiled, as is her due. She was awarded several items of tribute, one of which was a playmat. She loves laying on it and smacking at the hanging toys. She's also newly interested in the hanging toys on her bouncy seat. When she wiggles and kicks, it moves the whole chair and makes the animals dance for her amusement. This is the one in the picture at the top of this post, which is still the best picture of her.
She's recently figured out how to suck on her hands, and she can get them into her mouth about half the time. The other half of the time they hit her in the face at which point she is NOT PLEASED and we must appease her.
At night she's sleeping for 3-5 hours at a stretch, which is a huge relief to me. She used to sleep for 1.5 - 2 hours, then nurse for 45-60 minutes. I was exhausted all the time. Now I actually get some sleep.
Speaking of which, she's napping. I should be too.
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