For a while now, the Tiny Overlord has been saying "Night Night" when it's time for bed. Well, actually she says "Ni ni" but we know what she means. She waves goodbye and says night night to both cats and to her daddy, and then we head upstairs for a short play time, a change into a new diapers and jammies, then it's her blankie and a bottle. When she finishes the bottle, she usually nurses for a short time and then tells me night night, and I know it's time to put her into her crib with a kiss and Mr. Bunny.
This morning she was playing in the living room and kitchen after breakfast. She was starting to get a bit cranky and fussy, so I asked her "Is going to be naptime soon?" She looked up at me and clearly said "Night night." So we took her upstairs and gave her a bottle and put her into bed, where she promptly fell asleep.
14 months old, and she recognizes when she's tired and asks for naptime. I'm not just being a proud parent when I say that this one is smarter than the average toddler.
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