This morning, as we were packing to spend the weekend at a Friend Minion's house, the Mini Monarch became the Mobile Mini Monarch! For the first time, she crawled a significant distance - a few little crawling steps towards her Daddy. She's still scooting most of the time, but every once in a while she'll pull herself up onto her hands and knees and crawl for just a foot or two.
We exclaimed with pride and delight, which she took as her due, of course. The Mobile Monarch and I then went ahead with our planned trip. About once a month we spend the weekend at a friend's house that is about an hour or so away. There both of us get spoiled and enjoy a visit with a good friend and we return home refreshed and relaxed. On this occasion, the Newly Mobile Monarch spent some time outdoors on their deck, enjoying the last warm breezes of summer and watching birds, one of her favorite pastimes.
Then, after we got home on Sunday, she displayed a new ability; pulling herself up to stand! We were in her room, sitting on the floor, looking at her fish. She reached up, grabbed the top of the wooden cabinet that holds the tank, and smooth as could be pulled herself up. Once again both of her Minions clapped and cheered and generally made a big fuss over her.

I'll leave you with this picture, that her Daddy appropriately titled "Daydreaming."

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