This weekend the Tiny Overlord and her two minions went on a road trip to the Charlotte Speedway to meet two of her Grandminions. She handled the car time very well, sleeping for most of the trip. When she got tired of being in the car, we stopped for lunch at a restaurant.

When we got to the Speedway, the Grandminions were properly appreciative of the Tiny Overlord and her cuteness. She demonstrated her new tricks of crawling and pulling herself up to stand, and basked in their adulation.

She was so pleased, she allowed both minions to go for rides in GrandDaddy Minion's hotrod.

We discovered that the Tiny Overlord likes hotrods, and seems to enjoy hearing engines rev. She was so excited that she had trouble sleeping that night. She obviously enjoyed herself and was sorry to say goodbye the next morning. Looks like we might have a Tiny Gearhead!

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