Next we presented the Overlord with her cupcake. Earlier in the day Minion #1 had baked the cupcakes and made the frosting entirely from scratch to be certain that there were no preservatives, artificial flavorings or other things that may upset the Tiny One's tummy. She looked on with approval as we light the candle and held it in front of her. Minion #1 demonstrated the proper technique for blowing out a candle, and after a few tries, the Tiny Overlord was able to successfully defeat the candle foe! Minion #2 captured the moment on film.

We then repeated the event to capture it on video. Videos will be posted at the end of today's update. Minions #1 and #2 both taste tested cupcakes, to reassure the Tiny Overlord that they were indeed safe to eat. After a brief period of time spent investigating this new offering, she settled down to enjoy her cupcake. Some of it went inside, but the vast majority seems to have ended up on the floor.

Afterwards, the Grandminions K made a Skype call. We opened the Overlord's tribute as they watched, and her Uncle-minion J kept her entertained by making funny faces, which she deigned to return. The tribute was deemed to be acceptable, especially the CD player that "plays" little plastic disks and the crocodile that moves when you push the birds on his back. After paying homage to her Overlordship, the Grandminions and Uncle Minion disconnected. Minion #1 made a Skype call to the Grandminions H and her Tininess opened her final present while her Grandminions looked on.

After a bit more playing with toys and boxes, it was finally the Overlord's bedtime. We escorted her upstairs, got her into her pajamas and night time diaper and read a few pages of a book. Then it was time for a bottle and finally the Tiny Overlord fell asleep. Minion #1 shed a few tears that her little one was now officially a toddler and not a baby any longer. But all in all, it was the best birthday ever.
Ding 1 lol