Having one of those moments that you just quietly treasure. She slept all night long, only waking up a few times but getting herself right back to sleep. She slept until almost 8 am. I went upstairs, changed her diaper and got her dressed for the day, then we played in her room. She asked for milk and nursed for a while, but I'm not producing enough milk to satisfy her any longer.
So downstairs for breakfast. She liked her oatmeal for a while, but using the spoon frustrated her after a while and she dug in with her hands. I laughed, cleaned her up and started feeding her with a spoon, but that didn't last long. She's a toddler now and She Can Do It Herself! Or so she tells me. She refused the oatmeal, so I took her out of her seat and tried to finish my breakfast, but she was still hungry and demanded some of my banana. So back into her chair for some banana and blueberries. While she ate those By Herself, I was able to fit in spoonfuls of oatmeal. She eventually ended up eating 5 tablespoons of oatmeal, 2 ounces of applesauce mixed in with the oatmeal, 3/4 of a banana and 3 handfuls of blueberries. I honestly don't know where it all fit.
Then we played for a while with her new Christmas toys. She loves her little wood shop and her CD player, and played with them both for quite a while. Then it was on to snuggling with her toy wolf and petting our cat Draco. That's her toy wolf on the bottom right of the picture.
She's learning a new word, poop, which her daddy and I appreciate. She's fairly good about telling us when she has a dirty diaper. We went upstairs for a change, and while we were doing that, she started yawning and rubbing her eyes. I washed my hands and then made her a 6 ounce bottle. She drank almost all of it. I tried to burp her but nothing happened, and the poor thing was falling asleep sitting up. I put her down in her crib, gave her a sleeping pacifier and her Bunny, which she pulled in close. I wished her a good nap as I closed the door, and I'm watching her on the video monitor as I write this.
I can't stay up until the wee hours of the morning on my vacation anymore, and my days start at 7:30 or 8 am if I'm lucky. But having this morning time with her, as she happily played and I got to watch, play and talk to her, is priceless. I love having quiet mornings with her, and I treasure every one. Her daddy is still asleep, all is still outside, I've had soft music playing all morning - these are wonderful times.
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