Yesterday the Adorable Aristocrat and I had a good day. She slept late for her mid day nap, so we missed an appointment with her caregiver, but other than that, things went very well. When Minion #2 (Daddy) arrived home, all of us went for a walk in the nice weather (spring is finally arriving!). When we got home, Her Adorableness got a little cranky, so Minion #2 made dinner while I attended to the Aristocrat's needs. We minions ate in shifts, as we often do.
This was not enough to please Her Aristocracy. We minions moved on to not just holding her, but walking with her, then bouncing, carrying her in her sling and trying a pacifier. None of it worked. She even refused to nurse, which is VERY unusual for her.
It's VERY early for her to be teething, but she's showing many of the signs so we gave her a teething ring to chew on. This satisfied her for a short while and then this too was rejected. She disapproved of the sling, as well. Chewing on our fingers was acceptable for a short period of time. I finally gave her some infant Tylenol, hoping to help ease some of the pain that I thought she might be feeling.
After two and a half hours, we gave her a bath, as it was the only thing we hadn't tried and she likes her baths. She was fine as soon as she realized that we were preparing her bath, and she enjoyed herself during it, but once it was over, the crying resumed. After another half hour, which brought us up to three hours total, I took her temperature. It was 100.4, which was exactly the temperature at which the doctors want to be called for infants 3 months and under.
A nurse and I talked for a while, trying to figure out what was wrong. She asked if I had eaten Chinese food recently, and I had - Tuesday's dinner. The nurse said the MSG can really upset the tummies of babies with acid reflux and to give her Mylanta. I'm not certain if our take out uses MSG but we went with the Mylanta just in case. It took two tries to convince the Adorable Aristocrat that yes, she really should swallow this yucky liquid, but it seemed to help a bit.
She finally fell asleep in my arms, with me bouncing her and both of her minions making her favorite white noise, a gentle Shhhhhh sound. By this time it was midnight. Minion #2, who had to work today, was sent off to bed after he arranged some pillows so I could sleep propped up, holding the Tiny Overlord in my arms.
She woke up at 2am and fussed for a short while, but then she nursed and seemed to feel better. She feel back asleep in my arms until 4:30. She nursed again and this time I was able to put her into her swing so I could get some more water and use the restroom. She slept in the swing until 6am, when I took her back on the couch for more nursing. Minion #2 gave us both a kiss on his way to work at 8am, but she slept through it. She and I slept on the couch until 10am.
So far today she's nursed normally and woke up with smiles and was a happy baby from 10 until 11:30 when she got tired. I put her in her swing when she was still awake and she fell asleep. So far she's been asleep for 3 hours. I figure if she still has a touch of whatever was bothering her last night, it's best for her to sleep it off. She also tends to sleep a lot on rainy days. She's dreaming and moving her arms around and being her usual noisy self while she's sleeping. This is completely normal for her so I'm encouraged, and hoping that she's feeling better and will be back to normal.
But only time will tell what tonight will hold for us.
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