She's wearing a cute outfit with a baby dragon on it (not the one in the picture; I'll try to get a pic of her dragon outfit to post), so today's title is the Diminutive Dragonet. And I'm afraid she's breathing fire, the poor thing. Yesterday she kept acting as if she had swallowed and it went down the wrong pipe, and we all know how much that hurts. I called her new pediatrician (who I like MUCH better than the old ones)and spoke to a nurse. The nurse, the doctor and I all suspect the Dragonet has acid reflux.
We're trying to avoid medicines unless absolutely necessary, so for now I'm to give her a few feedings each day from a bottle with a teaspoon of rice cereal mixed in to thicken it. The hope is that the thickened milk will stay down better. Also, I'm to prop her up as much as possible during all feedings and keep her propped up for at least 45 minutes after she's finished. We'll try this for a week or two.
Obviously, since she needs it, I'll do it for her happily. But I'm trying to figure out how to balance feeding and holding her while pumping. She hasn't been napping well lately, and when she's awake she wants my attention (pretty reasonably). So I have no idea how to juggle all of this. I pumped this morning while she drank from a bottle but I only got 2 ounces. I need 4 ounces for one bottle.
Also, this means I'll get a lot less sleep at night. I do my best to get her in bed by 8pm. She usually wakes up at least 3 times and sometimes as much as 6 times until 8am. If she wakes up every 2 hours, as she has been, then I'll be feeding her for 20 minutes, burping for 5-10, and propping her up for 45 minutes. This leaves me 50 minutes to get back in bed and then try to get some sleep myself. Which means when she's napping, when I could be pumping, I'll need to sleep. Unless, like now, she falls asleep in my lap, in which case both napping and pumping are difficult.
Not complaining, just trying to deal with figuring out how to do all of this. Oh, and need to fit meals in there too. I'm running out of frozen meals, and I'll have even less time to cook more, and my friend who comes over and cooks for me hasn't been able to make it these past 2 weeks. Aargh. I have no idea how I'm going to do all of it. But it's amazing what you can do when you have no choice.
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