Summer can already do most of the third month milestones, so she's right on track. She doesn't chuckle yet, but she's working on it - you can hear little "proto-laughs". In the picture, she's watching the fish in her aquarium. She loves watching them swim, so I hold her up in front of them so she can practice holding her head up.
Timeline of Childhood Milestones
First Month(0-1 month old):
* Can lift head momentarily
* Turns head from side to side when lying on back
* Hands stay clenched
* Strong grasp reflex present
* Looks and follows object moving in front of them in range of 45 degrees
* Sees black and white patterns
* Quiets when a voice is heard
* Cries to express displeasure
* Makes throaty sounds
* Looks intently at parents when they talk to him/her
2 Months (1-2 months old)
* Lifts head almost 45 degrees when lying on stomach
* Head bobs forward when held in sitting position
* Grasp reflex decreases
* Follows dangling objects with eyes
* Visually searches for sounds
* Makes noises other than crying
* Cries become distinctive (wet, hungry, etc.)
* Vocalizes to familiar voices
* Social smile demonstrated in response to various stimuli
3 Months (2-3 months old)
* Begins to bear partial weight on both legs when held in a standing position
* Able to hold head up when sitting but still bobs forward
* When lying on stomach can raise head and shoulders between 45 and 90 degrees
* Bears weight on forearms
* Grasp reflex absent
* Holds objects but does not reach for them
* Clutches own hands and pulls at blankets and clothes
* Follows objects 180 degrees
* Locates sound by turning head and looking in the same direction
* Squeals, coos, babbles, and chuckles
* "Talks" when spoken to
* Recognizes faces, voices, and objects
* Smiles when he/she sees familiar people, and engages in play with them
* Shows awareness to strange situations
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