The Tiny Overlord has been ruling our house and hearts for 100 days as of yesterday. So very many changes have happened.
The Tiny Overlord's Current Decrees:
1. The Tiny Overlord shall eat anytime she wishes. She holds on to me when she's nursing now. Sometimes it's my bra, and sometimes my shirt. And sometimes she still just claws my chest; I look like I've been attacked by a very angry cat.
2. The Tiny Overlord shall be kept warm. This has become much easier with the arrival of spring. I'm looking out the kitchen windows at the new spring leaves unfolding. The house across the way is hidden once again, and the sunlight is bright and warm. Most of the birds are back, and the woods are full of their songs. The Tiny Overlord is pleased with this, as she enjoys looking at the birds. And oh, the pollen is back. Anything over 120 is high; earlier this week the count was over 5,000. The entire state is yellow. The Tiny Overlord does not seem to mind, however.
3. The Tiny Overlord shall be kept entertained. I can't wait to put her in her Exer-saucer at the end of this month; I think she's really going to enjoy it. She's starting to play with her toys now. The other day she grabbed a butterfly on her floor gym. It has wings filled with crinkle stuff - cellophane, maybe? She seemed surprised and pleased.
4. The Tiny Overlord shall be carried so that she may enjoy looking at new sights. She observes and interacts with the world around her now. When we go for walks, instead of immediately falling asleep, she watches everything. We've been going out on the porch and sitting in one of the rocking chairs. She watches the birds, and the wind in the trees. I try to explain things to her, and sometimes she talks to me, but usually she's too busy watching.
5. The Tiny Overlord now demands that her limbs obey her. She's much improved at grabbing things. This includes grabbing handfuls of our flesh and trying to pull it off; quite painful on the face, neck and forearms. She has almost complete control of her arms now; it's rare for them to fly out of control and smack her in the face. Her head control is getting close to perfect; all that time spent on tummy time was worth it!
6. The Tiny Overlord is beginning to see advantages to being self mobile, instead of demanding that her minions carry her everywhere. If she's on her back she can push with her legs and scoot a bit. She's getting better at it on her tummy, too, but she still has a tendency to put her face on the floor while doing so.
7. The Tiny Overlord shall be waited upon even during her sleep. Unfortunately one of her decrees is that I shall lay down with her whenever she wishes to sleep at night. For now, that means I have an effective bedtime of 8 pm. I am trying to assure and instruct Her Majesty that she can indeed fall asleep without nursing. She is not at all convinced that I know what I'm talking about, but she is grudgingly willing to give me a chance.
8. Except for sleep, The Tiny Overlord is tired of lying on her back. This means that her bouncy throne is now at a much more upright angle, and she is utilizing her Bumbo throne more often.
The Tiny Overlord has gone from from a squalling, screaming alien creature that did nothing but cry, poop and sleep (and not nearly enough of that) to a (still) alien who smiles and coos and plays with us, in addition to the aforementioned crying, pooping and sleeping (and still not nearly enough of that).
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