Yesterday she wouldn't nap. By the time we got dinner cooked and eaten, it was 8pm. I had hoped for both of us to be in bed at 8. Quick bath, short book, downstairs for nursing. She didn't fall into her usual deep sleep, though. At 10 I gave up, resigned myself to nursing her all night and put her in the bassinet so I could go to the bathroom, put on my sweats, etc. She fell asleep as soon as was in her bassinet, though. I was able to collapse in bed next to her and finally sleep.
She woke up at 3am, which was 5 hours so she still technically "slept through the night." Nursed until 3:30, then wouldn't get back to sleep. At 3:45 there was a tremendous poo. I took her upstairs to change her diaper and ended up having to strip her, wash her entire back with baby wipes (up to her shoulders) and redress her. So of course she was wide awake.
A little after 4am I put her in her swing, with the whole house dark. No luck. Singing lullabies didn't help. She did take a pacifier but still no sleep. I reset the alarm from 5 to 5:30. By now it was 4:20. I told myself that if she wasn't asleep by 4:30 I'd wake up Steve to watch her while I got an hour of sleep. I turned on the white noise on her swing, on the water noises that she seems to like best. It's on a 7 minute timer, which is ridiculously short. But it worked. She fells asleep before it ended. I curled up on the couch and fell asleep around 5.
Steve woke me up when the alarm went off. Made breakfast, pumped a bit but only got half of the usual morning amount. Woke Summer up at 6:30 so she could nurse. It's 7 right now and I haven't changed her or gotten her dressed. Not a good start.
7 more weeks of this...
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