Yesterday, while far from being good, was not quite as hellish as I expected. I didn't love my job before, and I definitely don't love it now, so that's harder. I now have to officially work until 4pm, and with required book study, professional learning, required tutoring,and meetings, I really have to work until 5.
But a phone call to Sharon at the end of school made me feel better, as she reported that Her Exquisite Eminence was having a good day, which comforted me immeasurably.
Last night she dozed in my lap off and on from 8 until 9:30. I decided to put us both to bed. As soon as I walked in the bedroom, she fell asleep. I was able to put her in her bassinet for the first time in weeks, and she slept straight through until 4am! I however, was up at 1:30 because I was hungry. Had a bowl of cereal and decided to pump to help keep my milk supply up.
A lot of women say that when they start pumping, their milk supply decreases until they can't continue. I really want to at least make it through this school year so I can breast feed through the summer, giving her at least 7 months of breastmilk. Ideally I still want to nurse her for at least a year. We'll see how it goes.
She woke up early this morning (5:30) and fell asleep in my lap. I really should be doing things to get ready for work, but right now, time with her is more important than anything else.
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