(I'll put up pictures of Grandma and Grandpa soon; in the meantime here's another picture of Her Cuteness)
Two of the Grandminions visited this week. They arrived Wednesday night and we all went out to eat at the local Tex-Mex restaurant. The Overlord got tired, so we parted ways and headed home to put Her Crankiness to bed.
Minion #2 had to go to work the next day but the Grandminions came over and spent time with Her Cuteness and Minion #1. The Overlord decreed that their names would be Pimi and Papa, just like the other grandminions. She was shy at first but quickly warmed up to them. She introduced them to her new favorite game "Hiding". We also played with blocks and in her sandbox. After her nap, Pimi wanted to take her shopping, so on Thursday off we went to the mall, where the Overlord acquired a hoody, pants and a Hello Kitty shirt, much to her approval. Then Grandminion Papa wanted to get her a bear at Build a Bear. When we got there, we ended up deciding on a dog instead. The Overlord has named this "Papa Dog Dog" and has carried it almost everywhere since she got it, including on our morning walk the day after we got it. The grandminions went off for dinner on their own. We had a thunderstorm after they left and the Overlord learned the word "thunder". She also learned that you can't see thunder, much to her annoyance. The Grandminions reported a hailstorm in their location, along with a 30 degree temperature drop within a few minutes. We got neither hail nor lower temperatures, but we did spot a deer in our backyard, so we watched it until it ambled out of sight.
Friday morning Mommy Minion and the Overlord went for our morning walk with Dog Dog coming along. Pimi and Papa showed up and we had fun playing with blocks and other toys. A good game of Hiding was enjoyed by all. After naptime, we went to Target where I bought some essentials (mostly related to the Overlord) and Pimi and Papa bought her a pool. We went home and filled up the pool, which the Overlord promptly climbed in. Pimi and Papa went back to their hotel for a bit, and when Daddy Minion came home we all met up at Olive Garden for dinner. They have an excellent children's menu, and I was able to get her grilled chicken, broccoli and whole wheat linguini with tomato sauce. She approved.
Saturday morning the Grandminions came over early and I headed out for a Girl's Brunch with two friends that I hadn't seen since February. I'm told that there was sliding, swinging, sandbox playing, block building and much Hiding in my absence, as well as a LARGE lunch involving leftover Olive Garden fare. I came home at 1 and we put the Overlord down for her nap, during which the Grandminions and we Minions talked. We spent the afternoon talking and watching the 24 Hours of Le Mans. When the Overlord woke up we watched Thomas the Tank Engine, played with blocks and read some books. The Grandminions said their goodbyes and left at 5 to go to a local racetrack. The Overlord gave them kisses and personalized goodbyes. "Bye bye Pimi" and "Bye bye Papa" said in her adorable voice are really almost too much.
This morning we had to explain to her that Pimi and Papa had to go back home, and they live far away. I'm not certain she understands, but she accepted that they wouldn't be coming over today. She got her Papa Dog Dog and looked at one of her Recordable storybooks that was read by Pimi H. She had a great time, and we really enjoyed the visit. We'll have to make sure that we see each other again soon.
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