Tonight the Tiny Overlord decided to give us a new life experience. We were getting her ready for bed, which includes putting a disposable diaper on and slathering her up with Desitin to prevent diaper rash. Before we could stop her, she dragged her left hand through the Desitin I had just spread on her diaper area, and lickety split, put that hand in her mouth.
We read the container and it said to call Poison Control, so we looked up the number and called them. We knew that she had only gotten a tiny amount, but we figured it was far better to be safe than sorry. The nurse on the phone talked to us for about 10 minutes and had us wipe her mouth out with a cloth to made certain that there wasn't a ball of the ointment up in the roof of her mouth. Desitin can cause GI tract upset, both upper and lower, but with the small amount the Tiny Overlord ingested, the nurse didn't expect that she would have any ill effects.
On the scale of emergencies, it was a very minor one, but I was happier never having called Poison Control. Here's hoping this is the only time.
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