Okay, no worrying - she's recovered completely.
Are these openings helping at all? The Overlord had a Staph infection. Yes, the nasty bacterial infection. Thursday it looked like a really nasty bug bite. We figured something had bitten her when she was outside. It was a bit odd though that she didn't say it itched, she said "Hurts." By Friday morning it had 3 or 4 little yellow pimples where the bite had been. Fire ant bites look very similar so again I thought to myself "bug bite."
That morning we went to a local place, Jump for Joey. It's basically a warehouse with a bunch of bouncy-house type inflatable slides, etc. They have two areas set aside just for toddlers. She loved it, of course, and ran around like a little crazy person. When we were heading out and it was time to put her shoes back on, I saw that her sock had yellow crusty stuff and it looked like the little bug bite "pimples" had popped. I put some neosporin on it when we got home and she took a nap.
That afternoon we went grocery shopping at Publix (a grocery store chain in FL/GA) and while I was there I asked the pharmacists if there was anything I could put on it. They asked to see the bite so I put Her Overlordship up on the counter, where she wowed them with her cuteness and intelligence, of course. (One of them said to me "She pays such attention to you when you talk to her! It's like she understands what you're saying." I told her that for the most part, she did.)
They looked worried when they saw the yellow crusty stuff and said that since staph was common in this area, I should probably get it checked out. I called the after hours nurse for our doctor's office as soon as we got home. (The person working for the answering service was one of my former students, who recognized the Overlord's name. Our country may be the fastest growing in our state, but it's still a small town! And yes, she was one of my really good students.)
The nurse talked to me and said that it would be fine to wait until the morning to bring her in, but that it might be a good idea. I made an appointment as soon as I could. The doctor confirmed that yes, it was a staph infection, but we had caught it very early. So early, in fact, that she only needed to be on the antibiotic for half the normal time.
After a week we went back for her normal 18 month checkup and I had the doctor check the site again. He said it was fine and fully healed - the slight darkening of skin was just bruising.
I went back and definitely gave my thanks to the pharmacists who caught it so early.
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