*Camera (Daddy gave her his old digital camera. She's quite good with it; we'll have to post some of her pictures.)
*Blue (Right now, everything is blue. It doesn't matter what color it is, she says it's blue. If you ask her to pick out a blue object from a pile, she can do it, but if she picks up something on her own, it's all blue.)
*Seatbelt (This is any strap that has a connector. She loves to push them together, but she can't get them apart, so she says "Seat belt out. Momma - seat belt out!" I'll put it apart and she'll put it back together. This can entertain her for 10-20 minutes at a time. )
*Out (This is usually things like "In pool!" while she's stepping into her pool, and followed by "Out pool!" as she steps out of her pool. Repeat ad infinitum.)
*Tunnel (She loves for us to build little forts for her, which she calls Tunnels. She also recognizes the tunnels on Thomas the Tank Engine)
*Enough (This started with Daddy asking her "Is that enough?" when he was giving her some food on her plate. She now uses it for other situations - for example, the other day she wanted to play one of her favorite game, Tickle Baby. After a few minutes she said " 'Nuff Momma." So I stopped tickling her and we moved on to another game.)
*George (this means she wants us to read a Curious George book, her current favorite)
*Thunder (she's quite annoyed that she hasn't been able to see thunder yet. Our explanations that thunder is only a sound have in no way deterred her from trying.)
*Little Bit (She knows this means a small amount. She loves to feed her fish and right before she sticks her hand in the container of fish food, she reminds me "Little bit." Of course, she usually grabs too much and has to try again.)
Too much (see the note above about little bit. Also, she says this when she's eating and takes a bite that's too big.)
*Bite (she's said this for a while, but the meaning has changed. It used to mean "Give me a bite of what you're eating." Now it has the regular definition.)
*Get Up
*Hold It (This means she wants to hold it, whatever it is.)
*Big Yawn
*Here (she just handed me her cup and said "Here mama" then walked away to color.)
*Come (She'll grab a hand or a few fingers and say "Come momma" as she leads me to where she wants me to go.)
*Screwdriver (she's been playing with the little "workshop" Grandma and Grandpa H got for her)
*Catch (This can be both "Let's play catch with the ball" and "I'm hiding so come
catch me!")
*Almost (She says this when we are playing catch and she misses the ball. She'll say "Almost!" then run after the ball.)
*Mole (I have a mole on my shoulder and she is very interested in it. She thought it was a boo boo or a bug bite at first, so I had to teach her the word mole.)
*Bug Bite
*Band Aid
*Burger (About once every one to two weeks we grill burgers. I buy low fat, grass fed, humanely raised, locally sourced beef. Gordon Ramsey would be so proud.)
*Blanket (she says "blank")
*Love You (my favorite, obviously)
*Twinkle (if she says "Twinkle twinkle" she wants me to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She joins in on the words "Up above" but I don't think she knows what they mean yet.)
*Sing (When we're in the car, she loves for me to sing to her. I end up singing for most of the drive. I need to learn/remember some more songs.)
We sing Old McDonald Had a Farm - she'll pick out the animal and then I'll start. I'll sing "Old McDonald had a farm" and then say "Your turn." She'll say EIEIO. Then I sing "And on this farm he had a ---" and say "Your turn." She'll say EIEIO. I'll ask her what sound the animal makes and she'll tell me and I'll sing the part that says "With a -- here and a -- there" etc. She'll sing the final EIEIO. Then I'll ask her for another animal and we'll do that one.
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