Monday, May 16, 2011


A few things have been sparking recollections of my pregnancy. For the most part, I really enjoyed being pregnant.

I used to sing "Good Morning Starshine" to her every morning and talk to her, wondering who she was going to be. I loved my doctor's visits, getting to hear her heartbeat. It's an incredibly fast paced whoosh whoosh sound.

She used to tickle me when she moved. It felt like little bubbles moving through my belly. I wasn't certain it was her for the longest time. When she started kicking, she got strong FAST and I knew it was her for certain. She used to kick me behind my belly button for hours every night when I finally relaxed for the night. That part wasn't fun - I would cry for hours because it hurt. She left a bruise that took weeks to go away after her birth.

She slept most of the day when I was teaching at school, although she would wake up if the students got too loud, and yes I did use that as a reason they should be quieter. We took her to a concert at Dragon Con and she definitely thought THAT was too loud; I ended up sitting at the very back of the hall, with a bunch of jackets around my belly to muffle the noise.

My tastes changed during pregnancy; I couldn't stand the taste of coffee, broccoli or pizza. I still don't like pizza. My sense of smell was incredibly sensitive.

For the last month or so of the pregnancy, I could only sleep on the couch. I would arrange myself so that my belly was in the crack between two cushions, and that cradled it softly enough that I could sleep.

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