Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice

Six months ago, at the Winter Solstice, I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Her Supreme Smallness. Throughout the long, dark, cold winter nights, I looked forward to this day, the longest day of the year. I looked forward to having a six month old baby who could interact with me, who could spend a few minutes at a time playing with her toys.

Things have changed so much. I do miss the closeness of her sleeping on me, her tiny body snuggled as close to me as she could get. She slept on me for a month, then she slept in her swing in front of the couch, which is where I slept for her second month. For her third month, she slept with me in our bed. After that, she slept in her bassinet right next to my side of the bed, until this past weekend, when she finally outgrew the bassinet and moved to her crib.

I recently had to change her clothes to the 6-9 month size. I remember those first few days, when even the 0-3 months clothes were too big and she only fit in the hospital newborn shirts. The day I had to box up her 0-3 month clothes and say goodbye to my favorite outfits for her was a milestone. Now she's on her third set of clothes.

At first, we had to restrain her arms, because they kept flying up and hitting her in the face. Then she graduated to hitting the toys hanging from her floor gym. Now she has great control of her hands and can grab and hold things reliably.

It's been the most amazing period of my life. It will be exciting to see what the next six months bring. Happy Summer!

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